Sunday, October 23, 2011

This Week in Thrift: Bag Sale and Then Some

This weekend was Calvary Lutheran Church's rummage sale. On Saturday, everything has individual prices. Sunday, it's bag day! You purchase a bag for a flat fee and can fill it with whatever will fit. I got there late in the day and most of the place was cleaned out. Here is what I bought for $1.00.

Not pictured: a mint-condition, veggie steamer; two crafty, fabric reindeer; a small, green, wicker box; and these little, knit chachkis. 

I also went across the street to some kind of garage sale. I bought a button-up for a dollar. And, on our way home I stopped by Buffalo Exchange. (Hey! We were already in the car and on Lyndale; might as well.) I purchased a cute floral top for $8.75. (Big spender.) Jared bought a Kenneth Cole leather coat for $34.50. 

Then that night we went and saw the "new" Harry Potter and Rise of the Planet of the Apes at Riverview Theater. We ate two huge buckets of popcorn for dinner. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

This Week in Thrift: Smells Like Store

On Saturday, Jared and I got lost in Richfield/Bloomington trying to find Menard's. On our way to Menard's (and yes, we finally found it) we found a great Goodwill. It's located on American Blvd. outside of the Mall of America. The prices are fair, and the majority of the merchandise is new. The whole time I was browsing I kept announcing how shocked I was that there were so many new Target brand items for such low prices at this store.

I tried on quite a few things (all at once because there is no dressing room limit!) Everything I tried on was in great (if not new) condition. I could have easily gone broke there, but only a few things fit correctly (and didn't make me look like a Sister Wife). I did find two nice leather waist belts.

And, I found two nice dresses. One of which is a size 6! Calvin Klein grey herringbone print dress. It smells like store and was $14.99. I'm very pleased. It fits me like a glove. There was also a Marshall Fields brand lilac sweater jacket. The color is wonderful, and the fabric is a very nice weight. It's also structured enough to be worn to work.

Gizmo's costumes came in the mail this week as well. Here is a photo of him in a sombrero.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three Years, Three Days

This Monday was Jared and my 3 year anniversary. We didn't do much for the actual day. Jared came home with a bouquet of daisies. We went to Java and ate at the dinner buffet. Then, I passed out. (I rolled my ankle over the weekend and was totally wiped out from walking around at work. That's actually why I'm updating in the middle of the day today. I needed a day off to myself.)

This year was our first year of living together as well as our first year out of school. We worked full-time jobs for the first six-months working opposite shifts Monday through Friday. I was sick for a number of months and out of work for a number more. Jared continued to work his job in various locations for Swiss Valley. It was trying to work opposite shifts and only see each other on weekends. It was also trying to live together with a lot less solitary time than we are used to.

In May, we moved to Minneapolis together to our first shared apartment. In July we adopted a dog together. I look forward to what will happen next in our fourth year.

The day we signed our lease.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dogtoberfest 2011

Saturday, Jared and I took Gizmo to Dogtoberfest!

Dogtoberfest is a get-together benefiting Underdog Rescue. It is put on annually by Urbanimal in Uptown. There were several dog-lovin' vendors there as well as activities for dogs and their humans. Of course, there was a beer tent and brats.

At the start of our day out, we walked down to the Urbanimal location on Lyndale. It was a great day and the walk was uneventful. When we arrived, we were greeted by a representative of Urbanimal and signed up for the raffle. We also got a wristband for being one of the first 100 people to arrive accompanied by a dog.

Gizmo got right to sniffing other dogs. His favorite booth was the bobbing for hotdogs kiddie pool. We stopped there three times, and he vacuumed up all the hotdogs he could get his tongue on. There were two pools, one for smaller dogs and one for bigger dogs. Gizmo stuck his nose in both.

We also made some dog art. He made a paint paw print onto a red foam leaf. We wrote his name on it and stuck on a UFO sticker.

Because we were the first 100 in the door, Gizmo got the best goodie bag I have ever seen for just showing up. We're good on dog treats for the next few months! I also picked him up a few duck feet, a pig snout and strips of pigs ear.

The Downtown Dogs booth let us know about a dog Halloween party their throwing on the 31st! He was suited up in a Downtown Dogs scarf, and we picked up a flyer for the party. I ordered him a Dracula cape for Halloween. Hopefully, he'll be able to romp around and play in the cape. I didn't want to get him a costume that stretched over him like pajamas, because he can't do his business in those and they cover his ears. Plus, I'm having a hard time justifying a $30 costume for my dog. He looks way better naked anyways.

Preparing to sniff butts!

Gizmo hasn't gotten over his Gentle Leader yet, and continues to run his face against anything he can find. I made a (bad) gif of this going down.

If I still had a copy of Photoshop, I could align these frames better. For now, this is what you get.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Big Girl Accomplishments: Back to Earth

I've decided that my benchmarks are good, but my prizes are too lofty to serve a purpose.

The idea of goals, for me, is to distract myself from my compulsion to shop. If I was more tech-savvy, I'd block online stores. What I have done (and this is silly) is I bought myself a wonderful, beautiful, quality purse that I would love to use and think about everyday. I set this purse on top of our DVD stand. I've decided I am not allowed to use my purse until I'm out of debt (small bank loan, store cards, credit cards). I'm about half way there so far. I want to pay off all my store cards and credit card before touching the loan. That way, I'm eliminating high APRs.

I can't really worry about money though. As long as I pull in some sort of income, I'll be fine. With my rent and expenses as low as they are, I can easily survive on unemployment insurance while searching for a new job. However, I find myself more frugal and more financially insecure when I'm making money and on the edge of debt. When I'm close to maxing out my credit... I feel like I can go crazy, like 23 is a great age to go into an absurd amount of debt. When I have a job, and feel the struggle of paying bills using workable income... I stress out.

I'm off topic. Here are my new prizes that are in a lower price range. Plus, some of these things I need to replace/need for my house. What I would like to do... (and this is something I'm not sure is a good idea) is to buy my prizes ahead of time (not all at once) and set them in the living room like I have my purse. It's easier to say no to temptation with a goal within reach.

Accomplishment: Pay Off Debt
I finally will get to use my new purse! AND I'll buy a vacuum!
Accomplishment: Build Up $1000 Emergency Fund
New Keen shoes AND a new wireless mouse!
Accomplishment: Build Up $2500 Emergency Fund
iPod Nano
Accomplishment: Find a Full-time Permanent Job
Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS AND (if I need them) computer glasses
Accomplishment: Build Up $1000 Savings Account
ECO Citizen Watch

And to all you self-proclaimed responsible adults out there - I understand that the goal itself should be enough, but I'm a Womangirl and need pretties to make myself work.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This Week in Thrift: Ball Jars and a Spoon Bracelet

I've decided to do a weekly feature called "This Week in Thrift." I usually go out thrift shopping at least once a week. Sometimes I find stuff; sometimes I don't. If it's a don't week, I'll just profile something I found that is second hand in my house. 

Today, Karen and I went to Savers on Lake St. after work. She found really great black pinstripe pants from Lane Bryant with the tags still on them. I found some cornflower blue Ball Jars, a bracelet made from the handles of silverware, and a London Times green dress with a nice print.

Here are some pictures.

This one is a little washed out due to a mixture
of flash and no Picniking. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mighty Swell But Not Well

I have had a horrible flu for the last week. I'm getting basically nothing done at home... everything is either too loud, too bright... or makes me nauseous. I don't like to use a emoticons in my blog posts, but... :(

Today, I got up enough energy to go to the Mighty Swell Vintage Popup Sale. I've had it marked on my calendar for a while now, and no migraine was going to keep me away!

I scored a cute floral, purple dress; a metal bowl; a beaded belt; and (not pictured) a decorative hand towel. Here are some photos.

Fingers crossed that I will feel better soon. Right now, I just feel like death. Sniffly, cranky death.
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