I started my job with Swiss Colony around the 7th and started working almost full time answering calls starting Monday the 16th. I'm getting along fine, and my sales are pretty on the nose. I meet new people almost everyday and have settled in to my hours. However, Jared just got a job in Cuba City and his hours are 7am to 3pm, so I'm moving my schedule around to work the night shift. He'll be working in the morning, picking me up from Platteville and dropping me off at work around 4:30pm in Dickeyville. My shifts will go until midnight or later, and I now have weekends off. On the plus side, I can work out in the morning and shower before work, plus chores won't be so exhausting when I'm not already exhausted. On the downside, we're not really going to have any time together during the week.
We will (thank God) have plenty of money to move on in January, and I can't wait to move to Minneapolis. Also, we can go on mini-vacations on weekends. I want to go to Chicago, Galena, St Louis and The Dells for sure. Getting my tri-state on before joining the Golden Gophers. Of course, we'll need to go up the MN to find an apartment for 2011. But, that's the farthest we'll be traveling really.
It is exciting to be able to pay bills, shop a little and not have to worry so much. I feel ten years younger not having that stress weighing down on me.
We did get to go to Irish Fest last Friday! We headed off early in the morning, hung out in Madison for an hour then headed east to Milwaukee. Ciera and I got some shopping in. I bought a Scottish Thistle necklace, a t-shirt and a hoodie. Oh! And I got a sheep lanyard for my work ID. I felt really good about my purchases and I still do now. I just look at my sheeps and smile and smile. They're little eyes stare back at me and make my grey skies blue. I even got compliments on the necklace already. I am planning on wearing it until it falls apart. But, that's seems to be the trend with me and jewelry. Ciera and I were front row for the Gaelic Storm concert and it was pretty awesome. I do wish they'd play their old songs though. What I would give for a little Pinacolada In A Pint Glass. It started raining two songs in which actually was awesome. The Storm really was a' comin'. We headed back late that night and got back in time for me to get 7 hours of sleep before work.

I have been trying to work out regularly, but my bad foot keeps getting very sore from the jumping around and leaning on my arches. I cut back to every other day without the "rest" break (that just seems useless). My jeans are fitting different, and Jared says I look a bit different. More importantly I'm feeling good about myself for the first time in a year or so. I'm really hoping to get back to my not-on-the-wrong-medication weight. I do want to clear up that I hate scales. I really really do. It's just an awful way to measure fitness when my bones are twice as thick as my mom's and I carry weight a heck of a lot differently than most people. I just want to be in a healthy percentage and not in the "slightly at risk" category. It seems like a good goal for now.