On Sunday I read chapters one and two which suggested requesting information from our future home town. I spent Monday calling both the Minneapolis and St. Paul Chamber of Commerce as well as the Roseville Chamber of Commerce. I also called the Minnesota Tourism Office. I should be receiving several packages this month on relocation.
I'm trying to read the chapters and do what they say in order, but one woman told me it' d be a "couple of weeks" before I'd receive a relocation packet. If I don't hear word by Friday, I'm going to read a few more chapters and get going on that.
Jared hasn't told his parents yet that we're moving... and I can't remember if I told my family here in Wisconsin. I've told my cousin Rachel in Mississippi that we're planning on moving though. I think that counts in my favor in some way.
This week has been day in day out working where Jared and I are on opposite shifts. I've spent very little and am prepared to welcome debt free October into my In the Red year.
Also, I have to start paying my student loan back in November at $61.50 a month.
And, I am getting orthotics sometime in October that I will be paying on monthly as well.
But, I can say that I am very happy with all that I own and what I have been loaned. I do not want for much.
This quote is a little more insightful than Lennon's. (Although, he is my favorite Beatle.)
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”- Anatole France

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